Residents in November of 2020, our first cohort
From February through November of each year, Stove Works’ Artist Residency invites eight Artists to live/work for one to three months at a time. Our residency serves as a moment away from the rigamarole of life and an opportunity for Artists (for you) to take advantage of the dedicated time, space, resources, and community we have to offer.
We have no expectations for how Artists use their time at Stove Works. Do whatever is best for you. We ask only that you come with an open and kind mind. We believe the relationships you build onsite are as valuable as the work you create while you are here.
Our Open Call for Residency applications runs from May 15 - June 15 of each year. Scroll down for more information.
Our Residents
We're stoked to announce our 2024 Artists-in-Residence!!!! Over 60 artists will be living and working onsite for 1 - 3 months from February 2024 through November 2024.
APPLICATION (2025 season is closed!)
Applications will be open to the public from May 15 until June 15 at 11:59 PM EST. Once available, a link to our application will be posted here. Please review our Residency information (scroll down) and Application Questions + FAQ before submitting your application.
Review Panel: Bucky Miller, Sadie Sheldon, Amanda Banks, Jessica Wohl, Max Spitzer, and Trevor Reese
Pay close attention to our tiered application fee:
$10 - May 15 - May 31, 11:59 PM EST (First two weeks)
$20 - June 1 - June 7th, 11:59 PM EST (Third week)
$30 - June 8 - June 15, 11:59 PM (Last week)
Make a note of your transaction number, you will need it for the application.
Applications must be submitted within the corresponding timeframe of the fee you paid. Otherwise, you may forfeit your application.
FREE DAY: We will select one random day during the application period as a “FREE DAY.” We’ll announce it on our Instagram (@stove_works) at 10 am the day of and provide a discount code that will be usable for 24 hours. This code may only be applied to applications submitted within the specified timeframe.
Click HERE to read our FAQ and get a look at some of the more involved application questions.
Application are reviewed by Stove Works Staff before being sent to the jury panel. Once the jury has reviewed and ranked the applications, applicants are scheduled according to rank and availability. Artists will hear back about their acceptance by early to mid September.
If you are applying as a collaborative team, there are several studio options.
• Sharing a Standard Studio (one bedroom / one studio) with the option of two twin beds or one king-sized bed
• Applying individually (separate bedroom and studio) NOTE: applying individually does not necessarily guarantee both spots. It will be considered in the review process.
Artists with families are encouraged to apply for the “off-site” studio-only option. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to accommodate families/children on-site or provide housing for Artists with families. That said, we will do everything in our power to help Family Residents locate affordable housing options in the area.
Please reach out to if you are thinking about applying with your family. We would like to have a conversation about what that will look like and discuss available housing stipends.
NOTE: Please thoroughly review the Residency information below and the Application Questions + General Residency FAQ before submitting your application.
Residency FEES
Once accepted, Stove Works’ Residency is free to attend. However, Residents are responsible for their travel, materials, and food/beverages during their stay.
$100 Refundable security deposit upon Acceptance (via our website)
Book donation to the library (Inscribed) - A book of your choosing that has influenced your practice that will live on-site as a relic of your time with us.
Each resident will have a private studio/bedroom and bathroom; shared kitchen, living space, and laundry; 24-hour access to facilities, which include a metal shop, wood shop, print shop, common shop space, and a library.
Six of our studios are designed to accommodate artists who require significant space in their practice. The remaining bedroom accomodates non-object based practices, i.e. writers, curators, and academics.
Click below for more information/photos:
Stove Works strives to be as accommodating to families as possible. Currently, we have one studio that may accommodate a resident living off-site, i.e., a local resident or a family resident. Please reach out to for more information.
In addition to space, time, and all of the other things, we want to create opportunities to strengthen your practice via critical feedback, for y’all to know each other better, and allow our audience to gain better insight into your production and process. None of these programs are required, though strongly encouraged. We only want what's best for your practice. And no one knows that better than you.
We also encourage residents to participate in all of the exhibition and educational programming we offer onsite: reading groups, panels, performances, etc.
Participation in the following Residency programs is not required, although it is encouraged:
Over the course of each month, we invite two arts professionals to visit you in the studios: one local/regional and one national. One of these professionals is our “Curator in Residence,” a local/regional arts professional that does monthly studio visits which will inform the selection of Residents for participation in our annual Resident Review.
At the beginning of each month, each resident is encouraged to give a presentation on their work and practice. This event will be open to the public and allow the community and fellow residents to get to know you and your work.
On the third Saturday of every month from 3 - 5 PM, there will be a designated day for Open Studios where the residency is open for the public to visit.
We want to create opportunities for our audience to learn from you. Each month, we provide up to 2 opportunities for Residents to lead a 2-hr workshop. Workshops are organized on a first-response basis prior to your residency. You will be compensated: $100 honorarium for a public workshop and up to $250 to cover materials costs.
Fellowship OPPORTUNITies
Mid-South Sculpture Alliance will be awarding a new $1000 fellowship to a BIPOC artist working in the field of Sculpture to support a residency at Stove Works in 2025. The fellowship residency will be scheduled for two months of your choosing, but those months must be consecutive in 2025. Fellowship recipients are encouraged to create a new sculpture or public art project to be installed outside of Stove Works for a temporary exhibition during the summer and fall of 2025.
MSA will include a one-year professional membership with the fellowship award. Those interested indicate on their Stove Works application. All qualifying applicants will be reviewed by committees from Stove Works and MSA in separate rounds but in coordination for final selection.
Please contact with any questions. Also, visit to learn more about MSA.
The Meacham Fellow is an opportunity available to writers. Sponsored by the Meacham's Writer's Workshop (MWW), affiliated with The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, the Fellowship provides a $250 stipend to a Writer-in-Residence during the Spring and Fall semesters in exchange for participating in 2 readings/workshops throughout the month of their stay. An additional $250 is available for selected writers willing to participate in the Meachams Writer's Conference (September and March only).
The Meacham Writer's Workshop promotes writing as an expressive art and draws together university and community writers and readers. Applicants are reviewed and selected by MWW and Stove Works staff. Learn more about MWW here.
We hold one residency spot for a recent graduate from an area college and/or university. This resident will stay on-site for 6 months and assist with the day-to-day of the residency. Residency Fellows are required to participate in our internship program before qualifying for the Fellowship. Please write to inquire about internship opportunities.
2025 Spring Residency Fellow
Kate Greenwell
Kate Greenwell is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing in 2024. She is currently in fellowship at Stove Works in Chattanooga, Tennessee and is a journalist for the online artist forum Mineral House Media.
Stove Works strives to build an organization that embraces all through an active commitment to diversity, equality, accessibility, and inclusion by providing a safe space and equal opportunity for all regardless of race, age, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, migratory status, abilities/disability, and/or socioeconomic background. We believe that diversity and inclusion are essential to fulfilling Stove Works' mission (and a healthy society as a whole). We are committed to creating a community that values the perspectives and contributions of all people and is free of discrimination. Stove Works welcomes all to apply.
We strive to be as inclusive as possible. For self-assessment purposes, our application asks for demographic information. This information is not included in the review process and does not influence your acceptance.