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Application Questions + FAQ

  • Below is a list of “questions” on the application that you might want to consider before you begin your application. Basic information questions, such as name + demographics, and a few “for fun” questions are not listed.

    • Length of Stay (1-3 months)

    • Preferred Months

    • Type of Studio

    • Are you applying as a collaborative?

    • Describe your Practice in one word

    • Your goals for the residency (250 wrds) - non-binding, this gives us an idea of how you would like to spend your time while in residence. Please review the application for the exact language.

    • Artist Statement (250 wrds)

    • CV (pdf)

    • Website - NOTE: We are not asking for “work samples.” We will use your website to review your work. Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites are not substitutes. If you do not have a website, please reach out to for alternative ways to share your work with us.

    • Listening Question (250 wrds): ”Our organizational philosophy is guided by the thoughts captured in Anthony Huberman’s essay Take Care.’ We seek not to take on the role of “explicator,” i.e., those who “know” teaching those who “don’t know.” Rather, we seek to engage in dialogue, acting as an intermediary between individuals who know something and those who know something else. We hope to help people navigate the complex and interwoven narratives of existence using contemporary practice as the vehicle, allowing them and us to follow the life of an idea. One of the greatest tools we have in pursuit of our organizational philosophy is listening. How does listening currently exist within your practice, and how might you imagine its role in the scope of your residency? There is no right answer.

    • Work samples: None! Just your website. We will not be accepting stand-alone images or links for work samples. We will use your website to review your work. Please make sure that your website is up-to-date before submitting your application. PLEASE NOTE: Social media sites, like Instagram and Facebook, will not be considered as representative of your practice.

Application FAQ

The following questions are for the application. If you’re looking for a general residency FAQ, click HERE.

What are the open call dates?

May 15 - June 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST

Who is allowed to apply?

Anyone over 18.

Are there application fees?

Yes. Pay close attention to our tiered application fee, listed below. Applications must be submitted within the corresponding timeframe otherwise, you may forfeit your application.

$10 - May 15 - May 31, 11:59 PM EST (First two weeks)
$20 - June 1 - June 7th, 11:59 PM EST (Third week)
$30 - June 8 - June 15, 11:59 PM (Last week)

We also have one FREE DAY to be randomly selected during the application period. Follow us on social media to receive the discount code. The discount code may only be applied during the specified timeframe.

Where can I find the order number for my application fee?

After paying your application fee, the order number appears in the top left corner of the “order summary” page and at the top of your emailed receipt. It is the 5 digits after the #.

How do I submit my work Samples?

In lieu of submitted work samples, we will be using your website to review your work. Social media sites, like Instagram and Facebook, will not be considered. If you do not have a website, please reach out to with “Application Work Samples” in the subject line.


Depends on each open call. There will always be 5 outside jurors. Generally, we will have at least two previous residents, a local/regional artist/professional, and 2 other arts professionals (Artists, Curators, historians, etc).


We’re looking for an honest reflection of you and your practice.


There is an option to save your application as you go, pre-submission. However, after you submit your application, it cannot be edited. If you submit your application by accident, contact about resubmissions. We also strongly encourage you to work on your application in a word processor and cut/paste your answers into the application.

WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I AM HAVING TROUBLE SUBMITTING MY APPLICATION?! However, if you are having trouble within the final few hours of the application deadline, we will be unable to help. So get it in early!


Looking for general questions about the residency??