Ongoing Monthly Programming:
Please see our CALENDAR for more information.
All programs are FREE and open to the public!
Monthly Residency Programming:
2nd Thursdays, 5 - 6:30 PM
Artists-in-residence offer 10-minute presentations about their work.
Rezzie Workshops
3rd Saturdays, 1 - 3 PM
Resident-led workshop sharing something they’re excited about. All materials are provided! RSVP via the link on the calendar page.
Open Studios
3rd Saturdays, 3 - 5 PM
A monthly chance to see what residents have made while at Stove Works. This is a casual, self-guided tour of artists’ studios!
External Partner Programs
3rd Fridays, 7 - 8PM
A variety hour where presenters are given 7 minutes to do anything they want!
DM @kleightunn on Instagram or email for details.
Chattanooga Noise Night
3rd Fridays, 8 - 10 PM
Local and regional noise musicians. Organized by Chattanooga Noise Night. BYOB. Free. Donations encouraged.
IG: chattanooga_noise_night/